Is Van Life for you?
Are you able to live life on the road? Are you able to roll with the unknown? Waking up with different backyards on a regular basis. We were and it changed our lives! We hope our experiences will help you decide if van life is right for you!
We will show you how we built our Sprinter camper van from the ground up to be a fully converted home. We go in depth and show you each step we took to transform this cargo van into a custom and unique motorhome, we share all the products we used and would recommend for your custom build! Check out the FULL BUILD!
We hit the road August 1st, 2017! Our plan was to visit all 50 states, and all the National Parks in the Continental 48 states! 49 of the states in our camper van, and flew out to Hawaii. We did just that! You can follow our entire journey from the start by checking out our VLOGS!
Here is a spreadsheet detailing all the costs that went into converting the van.
Quick summary:
Van – $8,000 | Conversion – $6,300 | Total – $14,300
We lived full time in our van for 2 years! We traveled the entire USA! We had the best time and loved every second of it. We want to share how we did it in hopes of inspiring others with the same dream! Check out our Xtreme AdVANture HERE!
Read our BLOG!!