Here is our step by step process for how we took this retired FedEx van and transformed it into our brand new camper van!
In this section you will find the steps along with the products and tools we used to complete the build.
- What van to chose?
- So much to do, where do you start?
- The $50 paint job. (Paint job)
- Keeping it cool. (Insulation)
- Suck it in or blow it out? (Ventilation)
- Lets get wired! (Electrical)
- Rocking the bed. (Bed and bed frame)
- Watch your Head!! (Overhead Storage)
- The Knotty Wood. (Paneling)
- Everything and the kitchen sink. (Kitchen counter and cabinets)
Here are all the products we used on our build!
Follow The AdVANture!
*Please note that we are not professionals and take no responsibility for any damage to your van, and/or bodily injuries.*