We have arrived at the Monahans Sandhills in Monahans TX. Beautiful sand hills in the middle of no where. Very out of place. We rented some disks they have there and we slide down the sand hills a few times. I’ll tell you what, its a workout climbing back up those hills. After multiple times your legs are burning and you get out of breath just one time up. Heres a picture I grabbed when we first got there around 2pm.

After sliding down and wearing ourselves out it was time to hang out until it was golden hour/sunset. We were fortuante enough to have a nice golden hour and grabbed this photo.

Good thing about this park is that they had free showers! With hot water!! At the national parks, if they even have showers they charge you to use them! At big bend for instance we paid $2.00 for only 5 minutes. Worst shower I’ve ever had. It was like a mist of water, not even water droplets! So we were happy about that. Tomorrow were are off to Guadalupe National Park! Stay tuned.